Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Poetry Reading Assignemt

The poetry section of Perrine's begins on page 655 and is divided into 16 chapters. Each of those chapters consists of anywhere from 3-9 pages of introductory/explanatory narrative (with a few poems included as examples), a textbox with the heading "REVIEWING CHAPTER ____", and several pages of poems and critical reading questions. By Wednesday September 19 you need to have read the narrative parts of each of those chapters. You should read and consider the poems included as examples, but you do not need to answer the questions or read any of the poems that appear at the end of the respective chapters.

During this unit, which will last apporoximatley 9 weeks, you will need to bring your composition book and Perrine's with you to class every day.  Assessments will include two 50-point quizzes, two AP-prompt essays, and two out-of-class papers.  I will also collect and assess your composition books at least once during the unit.  The Frsit Trimester Exam will also focus primarily on poetry as this unit will comprise 3/4 of the content of Trimester 1.

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